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1 lb. Phillips Jumbo Lump Crab Meat
4 Tbsp. olive oil
4 Tbsp. cold butter, cubed
2 Tbsp. garlic, chopped
2/3 c. white wine
4 tsp. Worcestershire sauce
2 Tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1/2 tsp. dried red pepper
2 tsp. fresh parsley, chopped
Salt & pepper to taste
16 oz. pasta, cooked OR 4 c. cooked rice

Cooking Instructions
  • Heat oil and butter in a large skillet over medium heat.
  • Add garlic and cook until garlic lightly browns.
  • Add red pepper, Worcestershire sauce and lemon juice, and white wine.
  • Bring to a boil and cook 4 minutes.
  • Gently stir in crab meat and parsley.
  • Add salt & pepper to taste.
  • Serve over pasta or rice.
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Jumbo Lump Crab Meat

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